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[3] Shen, E.W.*, Borbee, E. M., Carvalho, P. G., Setiawan, F., Subhan, B., Madduppa, H., Humphries, A.T., & Lane, C. E. (2024). Preliminary characterization of coral reef diversity using environmental DNA in a hyper-diverse context. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 103432. [Read-only link]

[2] Shen, E.W.*, Vandenberg, J.M. & Moore, A. (2023). Sensing inequity: technological solutionism, biodiversity conservation, and environmental DNA. BioSocieties, [doi]. Read-only link: 

[1] Nguyen, B.N.^, Shen, E.W.*^, et al. (2020) Environmental DNA survey captures patterns of fish and invertebrate diversity across a tropical seascape. Scientific Reports 10, 6729.[doi] [pdf] [press - enes] in: Top 100 in Ecology Collection (2020)

*corresponding author, ^co-first authors

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